Happy Iowa Caucus Day!
Today’s the big day, Iowa Democrats. The Iowa Caucuses are finally here.
Along the way, Iowa has shown the nation why we are first. We have studied the candidates’ proposals in depth, asked great questions, followed up, and demanded candidates look us in the eye and tell it to us straight.
After many months of campaign events and discussions about the future of our country, here is what we know: Iowa Democrats have three amazing candidates to choose from tonight. Each candidate has made Iowa a top priority, and has proven to be a champion for working families. We have made incredible progress under President Obama since 2009 and we need to elect another Democrat to the White House to build on that progress.
Now, it’s up to all of us to show up and have our voices heard. I encourage every Iowa Democrat to attend your precinct caucus this evening. You can find your caucus location here. The caucus begins promptly at 7:00pm, so please arrive by 6:30pm.
Find your caucus location at: http://iowademocrats.org/2016-democratic-caucus-locations/
Remember, you can register as a Democrat (or update your voter registration at the door. No ID required!
Electing our next Democratic president starts right here, in Iowa, tonight. Let’s show the nation once again why we are first.