I am excited to share with you today that I am officially supporting Hillary Clinton for President.

Penny Rosfjord
Middle of Nowhere, Center of Everything
2 min readSep 29, 2015

Secretary Clinton is hands down the most qualified candidate to be the next President of the United States. She demonstrated herself to be a remarkable and capable leader while serving her country as Secretary of State and Senator. This experience lifts her above the other candidates, and her record shows me she will make an exceptional leader.

I have been able to see all sides of this candidate through the caucus process. Sitting down and speaking with the former secretary was truly a thrill. More than that, it confirmed what I already knew and solidified my choice. She is intelligent, warm and funny. She cares deeply and is passionate about making a difference in the lives of everyday Americans. Behind the confidence she displays is a person of substance and gravitas who is ready to shoulder this awesome responsibility in service to her country.

Our next President will face incredible challenges in working with the other side of the aisle to find solutions to the problems that plague our nation. Hillary Clinton is courageous and has vision. She is neither afraid to ask the questions nor afraid to face the answers. She has rolled out ideas on policies that include: lowering tuition for college, universal access to early childhood education and revised treatments for substance abuse and mental illness. Secretary Clinton inspires me by offering solutions to these issues that have such a substantial impact on the lives of Americans. I believe her to be a unifier who can both rally support and solve real problems.

As a woman, I am proud to support the person that Hillary Clinton is. Her story is as American as it is feminine. She has shown all women it is possible to be a wife, mother, lawyer, Senator, Secretary of State and even President, all while rocking a pant suit. She refuses to be defined by gender. I love her for her strength and vision. She envisions an America where women earn the same wages as a man for equal work, where higher education is available and affordable to all and where we find solutions for tough issues such as treatment for substance abuse and mental illness.

There is no one in this race I admire, respect or trust more than Hillary Clinton, and I am honored to give her my endorsement for President.



Penny Rosfjord
Middle of Nowhere, Center of Everything

Iowan, Woodbury Co. Dem/Chair, IA Dems SCC member, IDP4 Vice Chair- All views are my own