I ❤ IC

Iowa City’s Ped Mall

So, I’ve been reading the (admittedly negative) coverage of my alma mater this week. Glancing at a local paper, you’d think Iowa City was in crisis mode — failed University leadership followed by an unexpected and unwelcome appointment by the regents, an eerily empty Kinnick stadium on opening day, a city overrun by underage drinkers, blah, blah, blah.

I’d like to take a minute to remind everyone why Iowa City and THE University of Iowa will always be great:

· In Iowa City, we go with the flow: Iowa City Named the Least-Stressed City In America

· The Ped Mall. Enough said.

· We throw rad parties: So what if we’re No. 2 on the list, we’re No. 1 in my heart.

· We have Hawkeye football (and tailgating, of course): Try not getting this stuck in your head

· Pancheros. The ORIGINAL.

· We’re not doing bad in the smarts department: Ranked in the top 30 public colleges and universities in the nation

· You’re welcome for Ashton Kutcher (CC: Airliner)

· We like to read books and such: In 2008, Iowa City joined Edinburgh and Melbourne to become the third city worldwide to be designated a “City of Literature”

· This excellent “use it in a sentence” example. Thanks, Urban Dictionary:

Ned: hey Jim, you should come back to Iowa with me and hang out this weekend

Jim: f*ck Iowa

Ned: no it’s alright, I live in Iowa City.

(later that weekend in Iowa City)

Ned: see?

Jim: (awed silence)

These are just a few things that make me heart Iowa City to the max. And yes, before you say anything… I live in Des Moines now. While I would quite enjoy living out a Peter Pan-esque existence in, arguably, the greatest city in the world, I needed to give my liver a break. That whole “adult” thing happened too.


