Iowa Volunteer of the Week: Greg Margida

Name: Greg Margida

Candidate: Martin O'Malley

1. Why do you volunteer for this candidate?

I volunteer for Martin O’Malley because I know he is the best option for the future of this country. His policies on climate change, criminal justice, and immigration are the most detailed. Further, I feel they best embody what being an American means.

2. What issues are most important to you during this campaign cycle?

I care a lot about racial equality, and I know that Martin O’Malley’s criminal justice policy is the best for handling this issue. Like some of the other candidates, Governor O’Malley plans to remove sentencing discrepancies between crack and powder cocaine, implement police body cameras, and restructure minimum sentencing. These implementations will help to remove racial bias from who is arrested, how they are treated upon arrest, and how they are punished. Further, Martin O’Malley is the only candidate to strive for access to higher education in prison and pell grants for ex-convicts, which embodies the American Dream by offering opportunity to all. I support Martin O’Malley for having the strongest stance against the death penalty and for abolishing it in the state of Maryland when he was governor.

3. What has been your favorite campaign memory so far?

My favorite campaign memory so far is when I introduced Governor O’Malley to a room of over 400 people at Grinnell College. I loved having the opportunity to explain to so many people why I campaign for my candidate. And, as he does every time he speaks, Governor O’Malley made me proud to canvass for him.

