Iowa Volunteer of the Week: Kay Quirk

Name: Kay Quirk

Candidate: Ted Cruz

1. Why do you volunteer for this candidate?

By volunteering for Ted Cruz, I feel that I am standing for the conservative principles that are important to me; smaller, less intrusive government, religious & personal liberty & fiscal responsibility. I firmly believe that Senator Cruz is the candidate that can win & will return this country to its constitutional roots.

2. What issues are most important to you during this campaign cycle?

The most important issues I see this election cycle are the threats of ISIS, immigration /amnesty resolution & the out of control growth of government & spending.

3. What has been your favorite campaign memory so far?

My favorite campaign memory involves a private meeting with Ted Cruz & the Iowa Cruz Crew volunteers. There was an event being held at the Iowa State Fair. Before the event, we were

taken to a separate building & allowed one-on-one time with Ted. We were able to ask questions & share thoughts on any & all issues. After the discussion, we had photos taken.

It was great to see that he is approachable, easy to talk to & felt great to be appreciated!

