Iowa Volunteer of the Week: Tracee Knapp

Name: Tracee Knapp

Candidate: Marco Rubio, Team Marco, daily kickoff

Past Campaigns: Christian Fong for Governor, Matt Schultz Secretary of State, Congressman Tom Latham, Congressman David Young, State Senator Joni Ernst, Matt Whitaker for US Senate, Tim Pawlenty for President, Rick Perry for President, Governor Branstad.

1. Why do you volunteer for this candidate?

Senator Rubio is the candidate for everyone. He possesses leadership qualities, understands Foreign Policy and he is a true conservative. We need a new American Century and he is the person to lead us.

2. What issues are most important to you during this campaign cycle?

Foreign Policy. Our enemies don’t fear us and we don’t support our allies. If we don’t have strong foreign policy, support our military, men and women in uniform — we have nothing.

3. What has been your favorite campaign memory so far?

When Marco stated at an event “We need more welders than philosophers.” He understands the challenges facing our economy.

