Lindsey Graham “endorses” Ted Cruz: Is it a hard time to be a Republican?

Ashley H
Middle of Nowhere, Center of Everything
2 min readMar 17, 2016

Senator Lindsey Graham today began campaigning for Senator Ted Cruz, a man Graham has essentially bad-mouthed nearly every chance he’s gotten.

In every effort to stop a Donald Trump nomination and/or presidency, Graham has run out of better options.

In a nutshell, Graham said that he doesn’t really agree with much when it comes to Cruz, but Donald Trump would be worse (a disaster), and John Kasich has no chance in winning…so Cruz it is.

Sad day.

And really, sad, because Graham hasn’t exactly been quiet about his uhhh disdain for Cruz.

Here are just a few of the things Lindsey Graham has said about Ted Cruz in the past few months:

  1. Choosing between Cruz or Trump is like choosing whether you’d rather be “shot or poisoned.”
  2. “If you killed Ted Cruz on the floor of the Senate, and the trial was in the Senate, no one would convict you.
  3. Cruz is worse than Obama on foreign policy.

Graham also tweeted right before Super Tuesday:

For a guy who has talked a lot of crap against Ted Cruz to be coming out and endorsing him, it looks like we are finally in the “position where we have to rally around Ted Cruz,” right, Lindsey?

It’s a hard time to be a Republican, and Graham’s recent “endorsement” is proof. Carry on my friends, we will get through it! (Maybe.)

