Marching Across Iowa — Caucus Style

Dakota Waltz
Middle of Nowhere, Center of Everything
2 min readJan 30, 2016

We only have a few more days until Iowa officially picks their candidates. Our status as first-in-the-nation will ultimately make or break many campaigns. That’s why our state in the middle of the country happens to be so important right now. If a candidate falls flat in Iowa, it’s not likely their chances at becoming the next president will grow. In fact, it will effectively stop their campaign dead in the tracks.

Therefore, candidates are rushing to visit Iowa in an effort to get out the vote. With the exemption of New Jersey Governor Chris Christie who only comes to the state every once in a while, all candidates have been actively campaigning in Iowa. A few only pop up in the biggest of the cities like Des Moines and Cedar Rapids. Many make their presence known at the state colleges. Even some decide to come to small towns in order to really connect with their potential voters. Still, it’s no lie that the presidential candidates understand the importance of winning Iowa.

We may only be a few days out from caucusing, but candidates are still rushing our state in order to get those last few people to commit to their cause. Right now, there are 118 scheduled political events until caucusing begins. That’s about 33 events a day. So, for those still trying to choose a candidate, it should not be difficult to attend an event near you. It’s truly a uniquely Iowan experience.

These are just a few of the many political events that are coming to Iowa. Just in case you haven’t decided on a candidate, these events may ultimately help you decide who to caucus for.

If you want any more details on the events or just to see even more, the Des Moines Register has an amazing candidate tracker that shows each candidate and their events!


Donald Trump

  • January 30th — Davenport
  • January 31st — Council Bluffs

Ted Cruz

  • January 30th — Ames
  • January 31st — Des Moines

Marco Rubio

  • January 30th — Ames and Des Moines
  • January 31st — Cedar Rapids and Davenport

Ben Carson

  • January 30th — West Des Moines

Jeb Bush

  • January 30th — Clear Lake and Cedar Falls
  • January 31st — Cedar Rapids and Davenport

Rand Paul

  • January 30th — Council Bluffs
  • January 31st — Iowa City


Hillary Clinton

  • January 30th — Ames and Cedar Rapids
  • January 31st — Council Bluffs and Des Moines

Bernie Sanders

  • January 30th — Cedar Rapids and Iowa City
  • January 31st — Waterloo, Ames, and Des Moines

Martin O’Malley

  • January 30th — Des Moines
  • January 31st — Cedar Rapids and Waterloo



Dakota Waltz
Middle of Nowhere, Center of Everything

Sophomore at Simpson College. Political junkie. Sarcasm is my one true love. Acting President of @SimpCoDems.