My favorite LOL moments from the presidential race in 2015

Ashley H
Middle of Nowhere, Center of Everything
5 min readJan 7, 2016


In 2015 I found myself following politics almost more than I did anything else. Sometimes it was depressing. Sometimes it was heart-breaking. Other times it was inspiring. And every once in a while, it made me laugh.

Read on my friends, because I have compiled my personal favorite LOL moments (and sometimes ??? moments) from the past year as our presidential candidates showed us the real definition of a circus.

10. Lindsey Graham and Sarah Palin star in 31 Rock

You all remember Tina Fey’s incredible impressions of Sarah Palin on SNL. Well, in this short clip, the tables have turned, as Palin impersonates Tina Fey in her role as Liz Lemon on 30 Rock. “31 Rock” pits Palin as Lemon and Graham as the quirky page and maybe my favorite character, Kenneth. This might only be funny if you’re a 30 Rock fan, but either way, seeing former vice presidential pick and butt of too many jokes to count take ownership like this had me smiling.

9. Jeb Bush admits to smoking pot in front of millions of people on live television

I could go on and on about outrageous moments from debates alone, but this is one that particularly stands out above the rest.

“So 40 years ago I smoked marijuana, and I admit it,” the former Florida governor said, smiling. “I’m sure that other people might have done it and might not want to say it in front of 25 million people. My mom’s not happy that I just did,” Bush said.

Later, Bush tweeted just “Sorry Mom.” The tweet was one of the top retweeted tweets in 2015.

8. Carly Fiorina likes dogs

I’m still confused on the purpose of this video, but mixing politics and cute animals is definitely my cup of tea. Plus, as you all know, I’m a crazy cat mom, and Fiorina’s admission that she likes cats too gave her some points in my book. The best, though, is when Carly says, “Dogs never tell me to smile more.” PREACH GIRL.

Fiorina is also the only presidential candidate (that I know of, at least) selling campaign swag for dogs. #DogsforCarly

7. Senator Ted Cruz auditions for the Simpsons

I don’t even know what to say about this, other than.. yeah, just watch it.

6. Jeb Bush slow jams

Jeb Bush slow jammed on Jimmy Fallon’s show that he would be running for president, and thank you, Jimmy Fallon, for pointing out Gov. Bush was no longer a “caucus tease.”

Well, Governor, if the nomination doesn’t come your way, you might have a future in music. Or... maybe not. Valiant effort, though.

5. Hillary Clinton meets Val on SNL

I don’t think SNL is quite what it used to be, but there have still been plenty of good moments in 2015. Kate McKinnon makes a great Hillary and seeing the two interact together is worth a watch, Clinton supporter or not. (Spoiler: I’m not). In the skit, Clinton playfully pokes fun at herself (her ‘flip flop’ on gay marriage, Keystone XL) and impersonates Donald Trump. My favorite moment, however, is when Kate McKinnon/Hillary tells Clinton/Val she is really easy to talk to, to which Clinton/Val says, “That’s the first time I’ve heard that.” Amen, sista.

4. Ted Cruz cooks bacon on a machine gun

Because guns + bacon = America. And Ted Cruz won’t waste tax dollars on a White House chef.

3. Donald Trump gives out Lindsey Graham’s personal cell phone number and Lindsey Graham makes viral video destroying his phone

Donald Trump is known for nothing less than being the most respectful and professional candidate we have in the race today. That is exactly why he gave Lindsey Graham’s phone number out to a large crowd of supporters, urging them to give the “idiot” and “lightweight” senator a call.

Lindsey Graham responded admirably, with a viral video depicting Lindsey taking extreme measures to destroy his phone so he could get a new one with his new phone number. I only allowed myself to put on one Lindsey Graham moment because otherwise the whole post would probably just be funny Lindsey Graham one-liners, because he was by far the coolest guy in the race.

2. Ellen makes a Bernie Sanders Hotline Bling mashup

Although seeing Bernie Sanders dance is probably in itself good enough to make this list for me, Ellen takes that one step further by photoshopping Sanders’ head onto an actor dancing to Hotline Bling. Ellen can do no wrong, so this is obviously my runner up.

1. Donald Trump hosts SNL

You guys know I’m no Donald Trump fan, and really it’s a miracle Sir Donald didn’t make a cameo in more of these moments. But I can not stand idly by and not point out that Donald Trump hosting SNL was phenomenal. Also, Hotline Bling again. Also, dad dance moves.

Honorable Mention: Kanye West and Deez Nuts announce candidacy

It’s not so outrageous that a celebrity said he would like to run for president in 2020. I mean, The Donald did it, right? #MakeAmericaCrayAgain

Deez Nuts, a teenager from Iowa, also experienced his 15 minutes of fame when he announced candidacy for president. Unfortunately, his 15 minutes of fame was just that, and the American people have not heard from him in months. What about your supporters, Mr. Nuts!?

There you have it folks. These are the people trying to be the next leader of the greatest nation in the world. I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling prettyyy confident the future of our nation is in competent hands.

Am I missing something?? Let me know!

