Post-Caucus Reflections

Kevin Maisto
Middle of Nowhere, Center of Everything
2 min readFeb 2, 2016

They came. They saw. Some conquered. The busiest night yet of the political cycle saw solid wins for Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Ted Cruz, and Marco Rubio.

Look, I’ve been calling for months (the earliest proof I can find is December) that Cruz would win. He had an unmatched organizational structure in the GOP, along with endorsements from the leading Iowan Evangelicals. No surprise. But, as my Tweet below suggests, winning the GOP Iowa Caucuses does not grant an automatic front row seat at the convention.

As for the Democrats… wow. Multiple stomach ulcers were created because of the anxiety that I felt last night while watching the delegate report. I’m proud to have supported the first female winner of the Iowa Caucuses, although it was a historical night for all.

The actual process for caucusing was one of my favorite activities throughout this cycle. DEMOCRACY IS ALIVE, PEOPLE. However, trying to fit 485 people into a room that is designed for half that, with little organizational support and not enough air conditioning did not a good caucus make. I was nominated and chosen to be the Precinct Secretary, a task that I still do not fully understand, and then was the speaker for the Clinton campaign. We ended the night with one delegate for Hillary (me), and I’m looking forward to taking her fight onward.

Overall, #IowaCaucuses2016 was one for the books. We (hopefully) stopped the rise of the Donald, breathed stability into the Clinton campaign and gave her reason to visit Iowa again, and showed the world that Iowans can be trusted with our first-in-the-nation status.

