Sights from the Stage: CNN Democratic Town Hall

Olivia O'Hea
Middle of Nowhere, Center of Everything
2 min readJan 27, 2016

On Monday Hillary Clinton, Martin O’Malley, and Bernie Sanders took the stage at Drake University for a third time. The candidates briefly discussed their platforms in a one-on-one session with moderator Chris Cuomo before answering several questions from Iowa voters in the audience. I was lucky enough to score a seat on stage and witness the candidates’ final pitches for the impending Iowa caucus.

This election cycle Drake hosted the CBS Democratic debate as well as Fusion’s Brown and Black Forum. Each event drew a mix of current and former politicians, analysts, community members, and students, many of whom are first-time caucuses goers. Monday’s town hall was particularly exciting because CNN spent most of the day broadcasting from Olmsted Center, Drake’s student union.

By now Drake students are experts at handling the controlled chaos that accompanies large forums, debates, and town halls. We know just when to snap a selfie with a candidate and how to ask a question on national television; running into Anderson Cooper on campus has almost become commonplace. Almost.

Although we may be experts, the thrill of seeing your favorite candidate in person never really wears off. Not many students can say they sat directly behind Hillary as she discussed the Benghazi hearings, Bernie as he hammered big banks, and O’Malley as he urged his supporters to ‘hold strong’ on caucus night. Although sitting perfectly still for three hours was a challenge, I’ll take these memories with me long after graduation.

