The Democratic Debate, game on!

Penny Rosfjord
Middle of Nowhere, Center of Everything
3 min readOct 14, 2015

I was glued to CNN tonight watching the Democratic Debate and it was exciting! They were able to debate without any name calling or bullying. My pick for the night was Hillary Clinton, but then in all fairness I did endorse her. That being said, she was totally the commander and chief of this debate. No one came with more passion or experience than Hillary Clinton. She was able to explain complex issues for all to understand. She came across as strong and experienced. She seemed relaxed but kept her focus. She has really found her stride in this campaign. Overall, there was great interaction and real debate, which is the best part of tonight. I genuinely think that people saw and learned a lot about all of the candidates. I loved that issues took a front seat and that Democrats acted with class. They were able to disagree and at times come to some common ground.

Obviously, one of the best lines of the night went to Sen. Sanders saying that Americans are sick and tired of hearing about her (Sec. Clinton) emails. There was a huge roar and applause from the TV and from this person writing this piece. It’s about time! Quit wasting time on emails while it is already been addressed. Let us hear from the candidates about their positions and policies. I want to know how realistic their policies are. Where they are going to find the money to pay for it? Can they work with the Republicans?

Secretary Clinton looked, sounded and carried herself as a President. I love that she said “I know how to find common ground and I know how to stand my ground!” She isn’t running for this job because of her last name and I hate when people say otherwise. This is professional woman that has giving a lifetime to public service. She is the most qualified and tested candidate on that stage in Las Vegas. Secretary Clinton showed all sides of herself tonight. In the moment when she was talking about being a young lawyer and Mother of a sick child was surreal. She explained how she was trying to figure out how to take care of her child, while she was needed in depositions. This person has lived through that experience. She may be part of the one percent today, but she has never forgotten issues that face everyday American familes. The family leave act she said is not just about women. While she thinks that women should get equal pay for equal work, she also believes that men should be able to take time for their families as well. She is so articulate and thoughtful about issues of foreign policy. She showed that she will be a steady leader who listens and weighs the whole problem before making decisions. It is clear to me that her experience as the Secretary of State really sets her apart from the other candidates. Lastly, Secretary Clinton showed many times that she is a champion and a fighter for all. It would be wonderful to call her Madam President, but honestly she is the best person for the job. #ImWithHer




Penny Rosfjord
Middle of Nowhere, Center of Everything

Iowan, Woodbury Co. Dem/Chair, IA Dems SCC member, IDP4 Vice Chair- All views are my own