What I Heard At The Iowa GOP Growth And Opportunity Party…

Jeff Angelo
Middle of Nowhere, Center of Everything
2 min readNov 1, 2015

I didn’t spend much time listening to the speeches at the Iowa GOP Growth And Opportunity Party on Saturday. I wanted to talk continuously with the activists to find out how things stand as we steam toward the February 1st caucus.

Here’s what I learned:

The Chris Christie folks believe that the Wednesday debate gave them a foundation on which they can build momentum in Iowa. But they are also waiting for Jeb Bush to get out.

Jeb Bush is NOT going to get out. His people believe they have the organization and money to push past the negative narrative and win the nomination.

Carson and Rubio have a lot of good will in Iowa, but insiders are questioning whether their campaigns have the organization to get people to the caucus.

Trump DOES have the organization but…

Ted Cruz is stealing Trump’s enthusiasm. Cruz is currently the favorite to win Iowa.

Iowa Republicans love Carly Fiorina and she wins over more supporters every time she makes an appearance. Her Iowa campaign staff is begging the national campaign to schedule as many Iowa appearances for her as possible.

National polling creates a “negative bandwagon” effect for candidates in Iowa. Lindsey Graham and Bobby Jindal supporters are frustrated by fellow Iowans telling them, “I like your guy…too bad he can’t get any traction.”

Mike Huckabee has decided to target older voters in general rather than just evangelicals this time. The evangelicals are too split.

Rick Santorum purposely spoke over his allotted time and forced event organizers to cut his mic. Two possible conclusions: 1) He’s desperate for publicity and this was a desperate attempt or 2) He’s realizing that he’s at the end of the road and is just enjoying his final time(s) on the stage.



Jeff Angelo
Middle of Nowhere, Center of Everything

I love God, my family, America, the St. Louis Cardinals, the rock group KISS, traveling, and beer. You hear me on the radio in Iowa.