17 Things That Are Easier to Do While Having a Hot Flash

Who said perimenopause is no fun??

Jennifer Haubrich


Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

It took me a minute to realize I’d started having hot flashes. I just thought I’d developed a habit of wearing too many layers.

Is having a hot flash fun? Heck no. Especially because they often occur during inconvenient times. Like when you are trying to sleep. Or, you know, live.

While I’m popping the magnesium pills each night when I say my prayers (that the hot flashes will end), I’ve been unsuccessful in finding any way to avoid them entirely. In the absence of any way to get them to stop, I’ve realized I need to look on the bright side to make it through the next couple of years with my sanity intact.

Lucky for me — and maybe you — I was amazed to find an absolute plethora of activities we perimenopausal ladies can enjoy even more now during a hot flash!

Lucky, lucky ladies we are…

1) Sleep naked.

Let me start by saying I’ve never been a fan. I don’t like the feeling of possibly exposing the naughty bits while unconscious. There was a time when I used to sleep in flannel pajamas and fuzzy socks. Those days are over.

Now, I sometimes wake up and find I have partially disrobed during the night. I find…



Jennifer Haubrich

Finding the funny in relationships, parenting, life, and personifying inanimate objects. Contact: jenniferh@lumieremedia.com