8 Reasons to Get a Mini-Trampoline

The perfect exercise machine for winter lockdown

Jean Campbell
Published in
5 min readFeb 15, 2021


Photo by author

As we slog into mid-February and temperatures dive into arctic digits, many of us are forced to move inside for exercise. This is also the time of year when New Year’s resolutions get discarded like Junior High School crushes, so let me introduce a device that is better than the Ginsu knife and slanket combined.

If you don’t believe me, check out Goldie Hawn dancing on one of these magical machines in her at-home, socially distanced studio.

Especially as we creep (flounce?) into middle-age, exercise mostly requires getting up and getting going for 20 or 30 minutes a day. But if you want to sweat to the oldies, or crank up some Megan Thee Stallion — the mini-tramp is your BFF.

How does the mini-tramp — AKA rebounder — help you move? In so many, many ways.

1. It’s accessible

You don’t need instructions for this exercise “machine.” Just step on and begin jogging or bouncing or dancing or doing jumping jacks. If you want ideas, you can check out youtube for suggestions about how to make the most out of your mini-tramp. Some folks will say a mini-trampoline is slightly larger and heavier than a rebounder, but for terms are mostly…



Jean Campbell

Writer by day, reader by night, napper by afternoon.