A Bod Like Madonna

Wishin’ Won’t Make it So!

Christa Rogers
2 min readMay 21, 2024


photo: flickr

I’d sure like to have me a bod like Madonna.
I’d be so darn pleased I’d go nude in the sauna!
It’s true that I might lack somewhat her personna.
And all of that exercise?
Well, I don’t wanna!

I guess I’ll be glad with this bod that I’ve got,
With arms like spaghetti and gut like a pot.
It’s served me quite well and I like it a lot.
And all that attention?
Well, I’d rather not!

I’d sure like to have me a Mercedes Benz.
With my latest model, I’d start all the trends!
I could be the envy of all of my friends!
Would I give them a ride in it?
Well, that depends!

I guess I’ll be glad with my old Chevrolet,
and that French fry that just seems to be there to stay,
and the essence of canine that won’t go away!
But is it paid for?
“Heck yes!” I can say!

I’d sure like to live in a great big old mansion,
The decor for sure would need to be redone.
As great as it was I would long for expansion.
Do I want all that work?
That does not seem like much fun.

I guess I’ll be glad for this pad where I’m living,
I’ve served Christmas dinner here, also Thanksgiving.
I know each nook and cranny, each tiny thing.
Would I trade for that mansion?
Heck no! I was kidding!

The life that I have isn’t showy or chic,
My body and car and my home I might tweak,
But don’t be alarmed now it’s not at all bleak.
Well, why am I whining then?
Because I’m a geek!



Christa Rogers

Christa Rogers is a coastal grandmother with a heart for whole person health . She is an RN, LMT, Yoga teacher and Aromatherapist. Writer at Herviewfromhome.com