A Profound Lesson I Have Learned From My Fatigue

I am worthy

Cali Bird
Published in
6 min readJun 14, 2022


Photo by Chris Rhoads on Unsplash

Over the last six weeks, my fatigue has returned, as has the incapacitation which accompanies it. I have produced a weekly article for my Gentle Creative publication, but I have done little else. I saw my wonderful homeopathist last week and, thankfully, I am improving.

I have often been plagued by fatigue but this time I have had a profound breakthrough in how I view it, my creativity, and my worth as a human being.

Before I talk about that powerful insight, I want to go back thirty-five years and tell you about the first time that extreme tiredness took over my life and how difficult it was to deal with.

I was a 21-year-old music student

It was May 1987. I was 21 years old, in my final year at university as a music student. I had a series of final exams and then had to give a recital. I was a flautist. There were three other flute players in my year and they were all better than me.

I had prepared for this recital for two years and it was going to be the moment where I was desperate to “show them” what I was capable of. I wanted to speak from my heart, musically.

It was hugely important to me, not just from the point of view of getting my degree, but in expressing my…



Cali Bird

Realistic advice on being creative alongside your busy life. www.gentlecreative.com. I write novels too. Need romantic escapism? Check out www.calibird.com