A Wonderful Thing Is Happenin’ in Middle-Pause

You have to read to find out…

Debbie Walker


Photo by Lia Den on Unsplash

Hey, Y’all!

What the heck am I talking about? Several things. But first I want to say how proud I am of y’all! You’ve really submitted some wonderful stories!

We’re not where we were two months ago, but we are steadily climbin’ a little higher!

But everybody is wondering how we get our writing up to the new bar that Medium raised. I’ve dubbed it the Great Medium Mystery! What do they want? What topic do I write about? How do I write it?

As we learn and grow, we will share anything we know!

So let’s get to the things…

  1. Marilyn Flower wrote a piece that we all should follow — wait until the editors are finished editing before you edit. Read very, very carefully:

2. Cindy Heath has graciously offered to offer a class on the 2nd Friday of every month to help us reach for the brass ring of righteous writing!



Debbie Walker

Debbie Walker is the creator of Middle-Pause, STOMP!, & published a 3-book anthology. Top Writer Food & Diversity. Follow her at https://linktr.ee/Debbie_Walker