April Is the National Month of Hope and Humor
We need a lot of both, today!
Note: Before we go any further, please hit your refresh button to be fresh! I’m experimenting with posting pretty links for the articles, but the links aren’t taking in the drafts. I have to publish the newsletter, then go back and republish. If ya’ll know of an easier way, please drop a line in the comments. Thanks!! :)
According to the Nat’l Day Calendar, April is the month of many wonderful things. But in the times we are living, I believe we want to hope for a better future and laugh while we’re doing it. (This one’s for you, Marilyn Flower!)
Because the world needs it and so do we. For instance, if we become aware of what’s happening in Ukraine, we can believe for the Ukranian people. It breaks my heart to see the images in the streets and a lone pink sandal lying in an alley.
But there is power in hope! Especially, united hope. Humor also is a compelling tool to heal spirits and goes a long way to mend the brokenhearted.
That is why I’m calling for humorous articles for Middle-Pause. Can you write a post that will make us giggle, or laugh out loud, or help us bust a gut??
Marilyn Flower starts us off with the MP Post Pump-Priming Prompt (I almost got tongue-tied!) of your imagination. Check it out…
Sharon Johnson laments the synchronicity of grandbaby's need for diapers and the possibility of the need of her own. (Oh, please, don’t say it!)
Debbie Walker wants to celebrate the (s)hero in your life and she tells us about her own. (It’s so weird to talk about myself in the 3rd person!)
We are so proud to announce that nine Middle-Pause writers are featured in volume two of our anthology: Menopause: Life Lessons & Memories.
Thank you, Helen Clare Mandy Osterhaus Ream Margie Pearl Melinda Crow Janie Emaus Julia Miller Katie Michaelson Marie Jones Meg Stewart for being part of the magic! Congratulations, ladies!
Exciting news off the presses! No, no, that’s not right! I don't know how to put it…here goes…
Exciting news from the digital land of podcasters everywhere… Stephanie Berchiolly is the guest on STOMP! (Stronger Together on Middle-Pause)—
Here’s a question for you — how is your Middle-Pause reading and listening experience? We want to know!! How can we do better by you? Here is a short, easy survey to help us find out.
We appreciate your feedback and will be forevvvver in your debt!
May the Middle-Pause be with you!
Our purpose is to encourage, inspire, and empower you to live a life of meaning and purpose. Whatever that is to you.
Leave any comments, suggestions, or just send us virtual words of love and support (We sure need it!) at middlepause51@gmail.com, follow us on https://twitter.com/MiddlePause; https://www.pinterest; STOMP!
Remember, to engage is to empower!
Until next time…
Peace & Blessings!
Your Superheroes!
From Debbie, Krista, Cindy, Margie, Marilyn, and Meg