Are You A Product Of Your Past Or A Creation Of Your Own Design?

Learn to Roar! Here’s how…

Sherry Briscoe
Published in
3 min readMar 9, 2024


Photo by Tamara Bellis on Unsplash

I grew up in a very dysfunctional family, like so many others. My mother had a complete nervous breakdown at an early age and had planned to murder my father, believing it was the only way she could get away from him. He was an abusive alcoholic. The stage was set.

Luckily for us all, my mother found some speck of strength inside herself and filed for divorce instead. However, I did take these elements from my childhood and asked, “What If?” and wrote a novelized version of my story. The Man In Number 7. Writing is so therapeutic!

I learned out of necessity how to be invisible as a child, how to blend in with the background and not be noticed. But then I grew up and discovered I could be heard. It wasn’t dangerous for me to be seen or noticed anymore.

This morning I woke up from a dream that I want to share with you.

The dream:

I’d gone to a large law firm to visit my sister and was sitting in the lobby. A woman in a blue dress sat next to me. I knew she was an attorney waiting to talk to someone about a case she was working on.

But what I noticed about her was sad. She was quiet. She leaned forward a bit with her shoulders hunched…



Sherry Briscoe

Reader, Writer, Wordsmith Advisor, lover of lemon drop martinis, popcorn and all things supernatural. Author of suspense and urban fantasy novels.