Attending the Wedding Reception Alone

Has anyone noticed I exist?

Kim McKinney


Photo by Kim McKinney

When the wedding invitation arrived, it was not unexpected. Erin, the daughter of a longtime friend, had already shared the joy of her engagement. Her groom seemed lovely, an answer to prayers, and I never doubted I would attend this special event.

The invitation was just for me — no plus one. As a single, I often attend events alone. I live alone and travel alone.

Still, the hardest thing I do as a single is attend receptions and parties by myself. That’s the time I feel the most alone, vulnerable, and out of sorts. Introversion, anxiety, and shyness all come out to play.

I’m 63 — I’ve attended a ton of events on my own. You’d think I’d be OK with it. I’m not. I can fake it a bit on the outside, but inside I’m a mess. I’ve accepted the fact it will never be easy. (Well, unless dementia takes over. Then maybe I’ll be the life of the party).

The Wedding Day

The day of the wedding arrives. It’s held at a Southern manor house and small farm. Erin and her dad Mike (names have been changed) arrive in a horse-drawn carriage. The manor house as the backdrop, the ceremony is outside. The sun shines. The bride is gorgeous, and the groom beams. Everything is touching and meaningful.



Kim McKinney

A non-niche writer who loves a good story. My ADHD mind thinks way too much for its own good, but I have grown to love it. An idea person.