Can a 72-Year-Old Woman Walk the Camino de Santiago?

The first steps to Santiago began with determination and a sense of adventure.

Lee-Anne Hancock


A dusty road going through green fields with a blue sky. People are hiking their way on the road
Photo by Les Argonautes on Unsplash

I have a plan for next year. I’m 72 years old, and I want to walk one of the Camino de Santiago Routes. Most people say, “Are you nuts? And yes, maybe I am a little nuts, but that isn’t new.

People plan to take this pilgrimage for many reasons. Religious and spiritual reasons are one. Going as a physical challenge. Can you do it? Some do it during a mid-life crisis. Where are they going in their lives?

I have several reasons to go. I want to see another part of the world. I like the idea of spending hours each day thinking about what I have accomplished in my life and what I still want to do. I also like the idea of hours of meditative walking.

There is another reason for doing this walk. Most seniors I have talked with say they feel like they have disappeared and that their opinions are no longer valued. Once out of the workforce, they feel discarded.

I want to show people that being a senior is a good and valued thing. We can do lots of things. Not every senior is able to do a walk like this but then not everybody under 55 can do a walk like this either.




Lee-Anne Hancock

Retired Poison Control Specialist. Now writing murder mysteries and blogging about life, family, and the fun of retirement.