Can Your Computer Make You Feel Dizzy?

You may be surprised by what those screens can do!

Colleen M. Story
Published in
5 min readApr 12, 2024


Photo by Kyle Hanson via Unsplash.

I woke up the other night feeling dizzy.

I opened my eyes to the darkness and felt the world spinning around and around. I turned onto my back and held still, hoping the sensation would pass. It eventually did, and I went back to sleep.

The dizziness stayed with me the next day, coming and going at various times. It wasn’t connected to anything commonly known to cause dizziness, such as low blood pressure or the flu.

Curious about what could be causing it, I did some research. Would you be surprised to learn that I could potentially blame my dizziness…on my computer?

You may feel dizzy because your eyes are tired.

First, let’s define dizziness. The Oxford Dictionary describes it as “a sensation of spinning around and losing one’s balance.” One may also feel woozy, faint, or unsteady. “Vertigo” is also used to describe it and refers specifically to the feeling that you or your surroundings are spinning or moving.

So here’s the surprise: apparently, dizziness is a common problem in people who spend long hours working at the computer.



Colleen M. Story

Colleen M. Story is a novelist, freelance writer, and speaker with over 25 years in the creative writing industry. See