Christmas Got Me Started, and Now I Can’t Stop Craving Sugar!

Time to pray for serenity In my sugar addiction and recovery

Marilyn Flower


Photo by SJ 📸 on Unsplash

My name is Marilyn and I’m a sugar-aholic, and my life is unmanageable. I doubt I’m the only one.

If it sounds like I’m at a twelve-step meeting, it’s because I need to be. Sugar Addicts Anonymous — if there is such a thing. Were I at such a meeting, we might open with the serenity prayer. You know, the one that starts like this:

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change.

Like how powerless I am over sugar.

By that, I mean I’m out of control. I got to see that on Christmas.

I know, I know, it’s a festive holiday when families get together and share special home-cooked — and baked — food. Often, lots and lots of it.

Moms and dads, aunties and uncles, siblings and cousins pull out all the stops with their cooking and baking.

My former mother-in-law sent care packages so we could sample the twelve kinds of Christmas cookies she baked every year. Twelve different kinds! Many of my friends do the same thing.



Marilyn Flower

Writer, sacred fool, improviser, avid reader, novel forthcoming, soul collage facilitator, prayer warrior and did I say writer?