Crone Years

A celebration

Tara Lingeman


Photo by Glen Hodson on Unsplash

1000 deep lines
crisscross your face,
Each crease a page
of your story rich
and full of neighborhood
hide and seek,
siblings more plentiful
than fingers that held
jacks and marbles
and dreamt of
playing the piano.

Each fold
a tapestry of tales
Unexpected romance
and babies
blooming in gardens
of daffodils and
brown-eyed Susans,
yellow like the sunshine
you bring to rooms
even when endings
bring sorrow and sickness
claims power over sister’s
mind full of memories
slipping now
like water down drains
Fading like the sound
of ice cream trucks
you could never catch
on hot summer days.



Tara Lingeman

Seeker, Lover of Stories, Writer, and Teacher. Author of a memoir about searching and finding and a novel, Salamandra. Find both @