Divorce — A Life-Changing Decision that Can Also Be Life-Giving
There are a lot of major life decisions, I discovered. Only one really determines how I live today.
Psychology Today points to career decisions as being the biggest.
They do determine many other aspects of your life — where you will live, how much you will earn.
Guideposts quotes pastor Brian Houston as saying “who you marry,” is the biggest decision.
Both of these are major.
The biggest decision I ever made, and possibly the only one outside of societal pressure and programming was to get a divorce.
I like to say it gave me life.
After 30 years of marriage, it was no small decision.
My mother was 80 when she approached me about my spouse’s abusive behavior. She’d heard him yelling. She begged me to get into counseling, and like a good girl, I did, but not without defending my Ex. “His job is very frustrating. You don’t understand,” I defended him to my mother.
I did what almost every abused woman does — defend the abuser.
I was diagnosed with PTSD and prescribed medication. I started reading about abuse and realized our relationship had all the…