Do You Believe Angels Watch Over Us?

I know I’ve been touched by Angels

Lee-Anne Hancock


I have always believed in angels. Some people call it luck, and others call it being watched over by angels.

Have I ever had bad luck or hard times? Of course. But mostly, I’ve been fortunate.

I have always felt someone was watching out for me. Having been raised in the church, I’ve always believed it was God making sure I was okay. I still believe that today.

What does it mean to be watched by Angels?

I think it’s important to understand what I mean by being watched by angels. It doesn’t always mean having things happen that I can’t explain.

It means having my life enriched by love. Both by family and friends. It means having respect from those around me. Even when hard times come (and they do), I have the strength to manage.

Clear example of angels.

There’s one vivid experience from my mid-twenties that I knew for sure was an angel looking out for me.

My sisters lived on Vancouver Island, so when they came home, they needed to take the ferry between the island and the mainland.



Lee-Anne Hancock

Retired Poison Control Specialist. Now writing murder mysteries and blogging about life, family, and the fun of retirement.