Family, Friends, Food, Flowers, and Flow

And more love than we’ll ever know

Marilyn Flower


Image collaged by author on

This pretty much sums us up here at Middle-Pause:

We’re marching through the middle of life, Taking our hormonal reactions in stride.
Some of us have entered our later years,
Collecting kisses, wiping away tears,
Devoted to children, spouses, family, and friends.
Waiting for meno-pause to become meno-end!

Sorry, couldn’t help it!

But I can’t take full credit for the puns. It’s my sister’s brainchild, or brain fart — one of the two, depending on whether you laughed or not.

Okay enough joking around…

Here for your reading pleasure are the latest stories from the ‘Pause:

*Boosted* The Cherokee Grandmother I Didn’t Know Existed BrandyNicoleHammock

A Step-by-Step Guide to the Stages of Natural Dying Barbara Carter

Life Doesn’t End with Menopause Sarah Writtenhouse

Can We Please Stop Using the Phrase Junk Food?Janet Mary Cobb (she/her)



Marilyn Flower

Writer, sacred fool, improviser, avid reader, novel forthcoming, soul collage facilitator, prayer warrior and did I say writer?