
Five Women Gone From This Life Who Linger in My Heart

Hold on to those seemingly fleeting relationships

Deb Palmer
Published in
8 min readJan 13, 2024


1970s era waitresses in hotpants uniform
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One day you realize what was normal in the past appears bizarre in the present. As we go about our daily lives, we fail to recognize the significance of the memories we are creating and the people who will eventually fade away from our lives, but not our memories.

In 1974, there was talk in the news about lowering the drinking age in Washington state from 21 to 18 years old. The new law would also allow those now underage to serve alcohol in bars and restaurants. Being almost 20 years old, I saw this as an opportunity to apply for a job at my favorite restaurant, The King’s Table. I’m not referring to the homonymous smorgasbord-style restaurant chain, but a locally owned steakhouse, known for fabulous food pleasing to the working man’s wallet.

Back in those days, we cold-called our job search by walking into an establishment and boldly asking for a job. Keep in mind, I looked 16 years old even with my heavy eyeliner and Mulberry-colored lipstick and blush.

I arrived at the restaurant mid-morning, before the busy lunch hour. There was no hostess on duty yet, so I approached a waitress sitting at a table folding red napkins like paper airplanes.



Deb Palmer

Author & Freelance Storyteller — Sweeping humor and gut-wrenching truth from under the rug —