Forget Sugar Babes. Can Sugar Dames Please Become A Thing?

If we get better with age, I should be close to magnificent

Kristi Keller


Image courtesy of CanvaPro

Many years ago, I met a man at a hotel bar who offered me a lifestyle that was difficult to refuse. I would have taken him up on it in a heartbeat if there had been money involved.

He was a private pilot for the filthy rich. His job was to fly wealthy people wherever they wanted and then basically sit in hotels or resorts on standby while his clients frolicked around doing what rich people do.

The night I met him and his flight attendant at that bar was a truly enlightening experience.

The two of them filled me in on everything about their jobs — the good, the bad, and the ugly. They told me about legally binding contracts protecting the identities of their clients. And I got to learn about all the destinations they visited and enjoyed…on someone else’s dime.

I wanted that life.

Needless to say, after a few drinks and several hours, the pilot and I took a shine to each other and hooked up that night. The two of us shared an unreasonable amount of laughs and great conversation well into the wee hours.

He was American, originally from the Dominican Republic, and had such a comfortable…



Kristi Keller

Write like no one is reading, because it might be true. Never let the truth stand in the way of a good story.