Freezing off My Meno-Belly With Cryotherapy

I’ve tried everything else

Cappelli, MFA, JD, PhD


Image by Author + Canva

I’m serious. I can’t take it anymore. My stomach is growing faster than I am aging, and I’m aging faster every year. Call it age, call it menopause, call it too much pasta, too much Chianti — call it whatever you want. My belly is growing so much that I can’t see my toes when I look down.

Recently, when I tried on a pair Miss Sabina Red Sole Ankle-Strap Sandals at Designer Show Warehouse, I’m embarrassed to say I couldn’t see my feet. To get a photo to send to my daughters for fashion approval, I literally needed a selfie stick to take a snapshot. I didn’t have one. Luckily, a salesperson shot the photo for me.

This, my friends, is my current reality.

My stomach has distanced me from me and the rest of my bodily organs, a physical and emotional barrier separating me from my former self. It sucks. So yes, I’m at my wit’s end.

I’m seriously considering freezing the whole damn thing off one fat cell at a time. Freeze my arse off therapy, AKA, Cryotherapy or cold therapy is a therapeutic technique that uses extreme cold temperatures to treat a variety of medical and wellness concerns. Basically, I stand in a giant freezer for a few minutes, and Artic-like air blasts away fat cells to boost my metabolism.



Cappelli, MFA, JD, PhD

Top Know Nothing Writer with way too many degrees who enjoys musing on life's absurdity.