Give Me Liberty, or Give Me Cake!

My adventures in Semaglutide Land

Cappelli, MFA, JD, PhD


a young woman preparing to bite into a cake
Photo by Владимир Высоцкий: https://www.pexels.

Many of my friends in skinny La La Land are on some form of Semaglutide, an active ingredient in Ozempic, not for type 2 diabetes but to whittle away their 145-pound size 12 frames to petite size 4, 110-pound ones. They claim this new miracle drug, an anti-obesity medication used for long-term weight management, has saved them from being slaves to their appetites.

My best pal Jennifer, the heaviest of them all, was 153 pounds at Christmas dinner and now weighs 112 — just in time for summer. In six months, she went from frumpy to sleek and chic, tossing out all her loose-fitting clothes for a new designer knock-off wardrobe of figure-hugging dresses and stylish outfits that highlight her transformed physique.

Hannah, my other friend, and go-to pickleball partner, has disappeared into her white Alo Yoga tennis dress, looking like a ghostly shadow of her former self, her ribs poking through where plump rosy flesh once was. She is a lithe fashion hanger for her clothes now, her body transformed in an almost surreal way. A strong gust of wind could send her airborne like a rogue pickleball.

She tells me that the best part isn’t just the weight loss but the newfound energy and confidence she feels. “The noise is gone,” she said.



Cappelli, MFA, JD, PhD

Top Know Nothing Writer with way too many degrees who enjoys musing on life's absurdity.