Have we always had a love affair with our hair?

Ask someone that has lost their hair, and you’ll get your answer.

Lee-Anne Hancock


Image by Herbert Aust from Pixabay

I’ve always been blessed with thick hair. My dad was a barber, and he said the only people with thicker hair than mine were people with a first nations background.

I always thought that my hair would thin as I got older, but since I’m still waiting to get old, I’m still waiting for thinner hair.

I hear many women complain of thinning hair, so I don’t usually talk about my too-thick hair.

I have a fabulous hairdresser that has cut my hair for the last 25 years. Any woman will tell you that once you find a good hairdresser, you never go to anyone else.

Before we downsized and moved to a smaller town close to the American border (Peace Arch), I lived in North Vancouver up the mountains from Vancouver, B.C. My hairdresser, Cindy, was about 20 minutes away.

Now that I live in South Surrey, It takes an hour and 15 minutes to get to Cindy’s place. That’s the time if I drive. Taking transit takes an hour and a half to an hour and three quarters. I don’t care, and it’s worth it.

I go every four weeks. The first time is a regular cut with her thinning my hair. The following four-week appointment is a clean-up that…



Lee-Anne Hancock

Retired Poison Control Specialist. Now writing murder mysteries and blogging about life, family, and the fun of retirement.