How Our Negative Energy is Killing Our Pets

What can be done to save them (and us)

Alison Acheson
Published in
6 min readFeb 21, 2024


photo by author

Lately, my cat has been stressing me out. No, she’s not really my cat. She’s my son’s. But she still stresses me out.

She has tangles in her fur. Her former owner did warn us.

“This cat ends up in knots about every eight months. I don’t know what causes them. Maybe stress,” she said.

Sure enough. About every eight months, her whole lower body erupts in knots. We might feel we’re keeping up with the brushing, but suddenly they’re there. Everywhere. We brush and cut them out. Give up. Get back to it. Weeks later, through effort and time, they’re gone. And eight months later, they’re back.

What does a cat have to stress out about? All that lying about, food being dished up, litter tidied. No stressors! Anywhere! But there must be something.

Maybe it’s us. Maybe I’m stressing her out.

Pets are sponges

I see our cat, huddling next to the knee of my friend, working on his computer on my couch; the cat has chosen this spot because I am across the room, pedaling furiously on my stationary bike, and she can’t sit on me. And while she knows that she will not be welcomed on my friend’s lap — not with his computer already there…



Alison Acheson

Dance Me to the End: Ten Months and Ten Days With ALS--caregiving memoir. My pubs here: LIVES WELL LIVED, UNSCHOOL FOR WRITERS, and editor for WRITE & REVIEW.