How to Transform Your Fear and Worry into Positive Affirmations

Know the power of your mind, heart, and vocal cords.

Marilyn Flower


Photo by Abbi Bemis on Unsplash

Who wants to start the year in fear?

None of us, right? Yet there’s a lot to be concerned, if not fearful about, including the COVID pandemic and how risky it is just to leave the house. Or even living in the house depending on how careful everyone is or is not.

That’s just one issue — life and death, global in scale. Layered on top of that are personal concerns — other aspects of our health, our families, our kids, grandkids, teens if we have them, money worries, time constraints, and just how much help will we get from family, friends, and dare I even ask, our government! That $600 is already spent before it arrives.

Fear serves a biological purpose. It alerts us to real and potential danger. It reminds us to be alert, to prepare, to take obvious and not so obvious practical measures to maximize safety and reduce danger.

If it takes fear to get us to wear our masks, social distance, and stay close to home, it’s done its job. None of this is fun or easy. It’s hard to get a good, deep breath of fresh air if the mask fits well. And it needs to fit securely over the mouth and nose, or what’s the point?

All this to say that



Marilyn Flower

Writer, sacred fool, improviser, avid reader, novel forthcoming, soul collage facilitator, prayer warrior and did I say writer?