I Don’t Have Periods Anymore

And I love the freedom

Cali Bird
Published in
3 min readMar 25, 2022


Photo by Josefin on Unsplash

When you turn forty, the big M looms on the horizon. Menopause.

You are trepidatious. You’ve heard about hot sweats and hormonal chaos. You know it can be a long process, which for many is de-stabilising.

You feel that your days of youthful fertility are ending.

You are no longer that carefree, optimistic young woman of your twenties. Nor are you the more self-assured, sexy, gorgeous woman of your thirties.

You are getting closer to menopause and the thought of turning into an old hag begins to terrorise you.

Few people talk about the good side

Most menopause talk is of a doom and gloom variety. When you are stuck in what seems like the endless years of peri-menopause, it can seem like that.

But emerging out of the other side is like a phoenix rising from the ashes, or a butterfly finally emerging from the chrysalis.

You are free for the third act of your life.

The symptoms settle or you learn how to manage them. Maybe you are taking HRT which restores you to that feeling of ‘your old self’. Maybe you have found natural remedies that have worked. Maybe it wasn’t that bad after all.



Cali Bird

Realistic advice on being creative alongside your busy life. www.gentlecreative.com. I write novels too. Need romantic escapism? Check out www.calibird.com