I Lost My Voice For a Year

The miracle that brought it back

Linda Spangle
Published in
4 min readJan 12, 2024


Lady with arms raised to the sunshine
Photo by krasnevsky, 123rf

I’ve always loved singing. Over the years, I’ve sung in many church choirs and community groups. I especially love singing solos.

Once on vacation in Jamaica, I stood beside an outdoor bar and belted out three verses of the gospel song Amazing Grace.

What a kick! Everyone clapped and cheered, and I felt happy that I had been able to entertain the people around me.

How my voice went away

When I got breast cancer, everything changed. After my mastectomy, I struggled a lot with getting back to my old self and feeling strong.

Medication side effects took a toll on me, and even after I switched to a new drug, recovery still felt like a long, complicated journey.

I also realized that cancer had robbed me of my voice, not physically, but emotionally. Although I could still speak, when I sat down at my piano and attempted to sing, my voice didn’t work.

Even worse, my confidence was gone, and I couldn’t figure out how to rebuild it.

For a full year, I never sang. I even struggled to lead women’s groups, something I had previously loved doing.



Linda Spangle

Author and weight-loss coach who loves to write, sing, act silly, drink wine, have deep conversations . Breast cancer survivor. www.weightlossjoy.com