In Media Res

May it rest in peace.

Margie Pearl


Knitting In Media Res courtesy of the Author

Last night marked the end of 2020 and the beginning of 2021. We are In Media Res.

This year felt different because so many died, so many mourned, and good people left our lives too soon. Even when we wanted to celebrate, it was at a distance.

When life is too hard

I’ve learned to keep small projects close at hand, when I’m feeling mopey. I thrive on my alone time, but not if I brood about mistakes or disappointments I haven’t been able to shrug off.

The scarflet I’m knitting (pictured above) is a thank you present for Marilyn Flower. She has been a steady supporter of my growth as a writer. I’m delighted it looks like a bird’s wing. Life has many first flights, and you need others when you crash.

  • Is it what she wants?
  • Is it what she needs?

I think it comes close. It’s a cotton-blend yarn and washable. And the best part, it won’t show the dirt.

Each stitch sets my intention. Completing a project boosts my morale because I am setting it free. Letting go can elicit complex emotions. I know. I’ve been there. But today is here and wants to play.

My wish this year is to wrap the world with affection: one friend at a time.

Margie enjoys crosswords, working on her fiction, and dabbling in poetry. Her next goal is to get her website built.



Margie Pearl

Tell me a story! Author, storyteller, poet, seamstress, knitter, gardener.