It’s Time to Talk About Writing Great Titles

I wanna learn, don’t you?

Debbie Walker


Photo by Mika Baumeister on Unsplash

Hey, Y’all!

When I first started writing, I couldn’t write a good title for the life of me. In fact, titles kinda scared me. I’d stare at my story, overwhelmed. What do I say? Are there any rules?

Thus began my journey to learn how to write good titles.

As time went on, I heard one author say, “Write your title 10x and pick the best one.” Another one said, “Tell me what the story is about in one sentence then make it title case.”

However, the best advice came from one of Medium’s own — Ariel Meadow Stallings:


Sometimes, even if a nomination gets selected for Boost, it doesn’t perform well after it’s been Boosted. After watching the trends, I’ve been noticing that sometimes it just feels like it comes down to the title of the story. This in mind, I wanted to offer this guidance around titles:

Good titles, subtitles, and cover images establish relevancy to Medium readers. What’s going to make your story appeal enough for a reader to click through?

Here are some title tips:

Give the reader context for why they should click through to read the article. Make sure they’re phrased in an…



Debbie Walker

Debbie Walker is the creator of Middle-Pause, STOMP!, & published a 3-book anthology. Top Writer Food & Diversity. Follow her at