I’ve Been Caught Regifting

Shame on me

Cappelli, MFA, JD, PhD


Image by Author+Bing

Most of us have regifted, even though we won’t admit it. If you’ve been living under a holiday box and haven’t heard of it, regifting is a way to pass on something the recipient (me) has no use for or desire to own to someone else in my social sphere who might actually like the damn thing.

Wouldn’t my friend Gina like this ugly, itchy green cardigan? Wouldn’t Jon like this blue Mustang night light? Wouldn’t one of my coworkers like a tacky Laser Inner Carving Crystal Ball Four-leaf Clover? Sure they would, right? Who doesn’t want someone’s gift castaway?

“One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.”

Well, I live by this aphorism. I rescue and repurpose with finesse and have never been caught, until now when I regifted a lovely hand-made seaside-green ceramic jewelry box given to me by my friend Cici to Cheryl, the hostess of a wine-tasting party.

I did add my spin on the seaside jewelry box by drilling holes in the bottom, planting some parsley, chives, and mint, and placing a pretty blue silk bow on it—a thoughtful gift for the host and hostess, who love to cook with fresh ingredients.

How did I know that the hosts, Cheryl and Bob, two people I play pickleball with a few times a week, knew Dave and Cici from a local…



Cappelli, MFA, JD, PhD

Top Know Nothing Writer with way too many degrees who enjoys musing on life's absurdity.