To Date or Not to Date? (Midlife Love 1/6)

Musings on My 54th Birthday

Calling back Meredith


Two red doors side to side illuminated against a black background.
Photo by Steven Van Elk on Unsplash

I am having a pity party on my birthday, which happens to fall on Epiphany, the day divine light guided the Magi to Bethlehem.

I am disappointed and surprised to discover I am stuck on the same question as last year and the year before.

To date or not to date?

I need a small “e” epiphany, a moment of great or sudden revelation.

Despite my full life, tonight I feel undernourished. Invisible. Like I continue to exist solely to serve others.


My central paradox, the deep yearning for a partner, competes with the safety I harbor by remaining single. Maintaining the peace is still my strongest impulse in this houseful of teenage angst.

Should I ask my therapist?

Last month, she gasped when I walked out her door saying,

“You know, I haven’t had a single date since my divorce. Maybe we should talk about that next time.”


“So many reasons I might explode.”

She emailed that afternoon,

“How do you feel about starting back for regular sessions?”



Calling back Meredith

I'm an activist, an actor, an SLP, and a mom of six. I believe in the power of lifting others and sharing stories. Through love we create the world we imagine.