Mom’s Going to Rehab and I Have COVID

And my talk on self-editing tips has been canceled

Marilyn Flower


Four images of people in physical rehab. A man walks between parallel bars. A woman exercises with theraband, therapists asist a woman writing and a man walking.
Images of people in Physical Rehab, courtesy of

First things first.

Because I feel so crappy, I asked that my talk on self-editing tips be rescheduled. And it will. But it’s not happening this month, FYI. However, you can find all the handy-dandy info in my series. I’m putting it at the bottom of this post as well.

Now, let’s get back to Mom.

This feels like one of those Saturday morning serials they used to have at the movies when we were kids. “When we last saw our heroine…” she was being rushed to the hospital with weeping sores on her legs.

It did not turn out to be diabetes or cellulitis. It was related to her congestive heart failure. Because her heart is so weak — she’s working at 25% capacity, augmented by medications — it’s not able to pump fluids as well as it should. So the excess pools in her feet and legs. Her legs were mildly swollen. And her poor feet were really puffy. Ouch. She could barely get her shoes on.

So my sister, her husband, their daughter, and I rolled into town and kept her company. Her spirits were good and we had lovely visits. She knew what was going on and was a real trooper. Even got up and walked for Physical Therapy.



Marilyn Flower

Writer, sacred fool, improviser, avid reader, novel forthcoming, soul collage facilitator, prayer warrior and did I say writer?