My Chiropractor Wants Me to Give Up Added Sugar
To prevent kidney stones and protect my bones
Yes, I know, sugar sucks.
For the body, I mean.
But it’s soooo rewarding to my taste buds. Love that hit of dopamine or endorphins or whatever it brings on.
Maybe it’s time to ask my dentist to extract my sweet tooth. Can they do that?
I know it’s bad for me. After all, I wrote here about sugar and our bones. And if anyone has weak, porous bones, it’s me. How much calcium, vitamin D, and weight-bearing exercises would it take to offset the sugar I put into my body on a regular basis?
Actually, I try to be good. I don’t, as a rule, bring sweets into the house. Except lately, on Saturday night, I’ve been buying a treat to take to church for our fellowship potluck. In addition to the broccoli slaw salad I make. And if there’s any leftover, guess where they go?
Home with me!
But the problem isn’t just desserts and candy.
Sugar’s in just about everything. Like the slaw dressing on that salad I make. In my Organic Hemp Protein Powder. And, of course, in all my so-called healthy or healthier creamers. Being made from oak or coconut milk doesn’t mean it’s…