My Personal Life is Affecting My Business

Sometimes I can’t do the work I’d like to do because my family comes first

Jacquelyn Lynn


Photo by Jerry D Clement; used with permission | The author assumes responsibility for the copyright of this image.

I’m the primary caregiver for my 95-year-old father. The time it takes to do what I have to do for him is affecting my productivity.

I’m not alone.

I’m seeing an increasing number of people in my circle of associates who are dealing with aging parents, ill spouses, unexpected custody of grandchildren, or other family situations. They’re continuing to work, but not at the level they used to.

They’re adjusting their businesses to care for their families.

When I first entered the workforce, you were expected to leave your personal life at the door when you came to work. Sure, we’d chat about weekend plans and television shows, but work came first.

Time off to go to a child’s game or take an aging parent to the doctor was virtually unheard of.

It might still be that way in the corporate world. I don’t know because most of my network and my clients are entrepreneurs and self-employed professionals who put their families first.

It’s a joy to work that way.



Jacquelyn Lynn

Inspirational author, business ghostwriter. Need some great quotes? Get “A Book of Proverbs: Wisdom of the Ages” free. Download at