Nanas Who Knit Against Gas and Greed

Gentle grandmothers hold knit-ins to save clean water.

Aikya Param


Knitting Nanas Against Gas having the last weekly knit-in in Lismore. Photograph from the Northern Star, November 5, 2015

Remember Madame La Farge and her knitting
In Dicken’s A Tale of Two Cities? A knit two purls —
A pattern that plotted whose head would roll.
The Nanas Who Knit, well-known in Australia
Will lobby and knit to save clean water.
They hold knit-ins at Parliament in the U.K.
Against what we call fracking in the U.S.
The group will gather and knit in colors
Of signs that say “Lock the gate:” in yellow
And black. The Growling Grannies boldly
Approach the politicians contending,
Demanding they stop wasting our water
To force gas to come up. Renewable
Energy, that’s that they want, not gas!
Grannies say you need not be a Nana.
You don’t have to knit to take a stand
To save our water for the kiddies.

Here is the website for Nanas Who Knit.

Enjoy their Facebook page.

Aikya Param is a licensed minister, visual artist, editor, and writer. She has written a three-act play in poetry entitled Promise. Her book of poetry, Cityside and Shoreline, will be released July 15, 2020.



Aikya Param

Rev. Aikya Param is a minister at Oakland Center for Spiritual Living in Oakland, California, a published author and visual artist.