Need an Easy Solution to the ‘I Want to Be Healthy Blues’?

Live longer and better, with ​The Blue Zones® project.

Cindy Heath


Historic Sardinia, Italy. One of the original Blue Zones. Image by Stephanie Albert from Pixabay

Are you ever puzzled about how to maintain healthy body weight, blood pressure, and fitness? Cholesterol and other health indicators not where they should be?

What about your state of mind? Are you lonely or having a hard time finding your purpose in life? Feeling too much stress?

Are you wondering what the heck these things have in common?

A lot, as it turns out. Many of us have a general sense we could be healthier, but somehow it’s become so complicated, we rarely know where to start.

Should you eat keto, vegan, paleo? Lift weights or run? Cross fit or yoga? How do you stay well and have a long, peaceful life? How can you find a balance of work and rest?

In 2003, I had my annual health checkup and blood test.

Not good news. My cholesterol levels were frightening, and my blood pressure was way too high. My best friend had discovered the Mediterranean way of eating and told me how much she and her husband enjoyed this new way of eating.



Cindy Heath

I’ve been a farmer, entrepreneur, writer, and more. I'm passionate about nutrition, health, nature, and the rewards of personal writing.