Pathways and Potentialities

I want to experience it all. I don’t want to miss a thing.

Tara Lingeman


Photo by Jens Lelie on Unsplash

When Robert Frost talked about those two roads diverging, my first thought was, “Do I have to choose? Can’t I check out both?”

Decision-making always provoked anxiety in me.

As a teenager shopping for school clothes, I exhausted my mother, dragging her through every possible store, stressing out about how to make the most of our limited funds, until she would give in and pull out the credit card.

In college, I couldn’t choose just one major. I began as a Theater and Sociology major and wound up graduating as a teacher of English and History.

At any dinner out, I want multiple things on the menu, and will most likely convince someone with me to order together so we can split two dishes.

I want to experience it all. I don’t want to miss a thing.

I want to be a small-town mom running an antique shop with a stable husband and a wrap-around porch, and I want to be a single independent artist with a studio in Brooklyn.

I want to live in a brick house in Detroit around the people I love, and I want to move to an apartment in a city abroad as a mysterious woman in a town full of strangers.



Tara Lingeman

Seeker, Lover of Stories, Writer, and Teacher. Author of a memoir about searching and finding and a novel, Salamandra. Find both @