Pickleball Anyone?

I gave in to the craze. And I had a blast.

Holly Siron


Photo by Ben Hershey on Unsplash

I had never played pickleball until six weeks ago. I know. Crazy, right? A local park was hosting a six-week pickleball league for all skill levels. So I thought, Why not? Everyone seems to love it. I signed my wife and I up to play doubles.

We bought ourselves a cheap $30 starter pack from Target. It had two paddles and three outdoor balls. We watched a few how-to videos on YouTube. And off we went to practice….for a league that started in…um…eight days. It would be fine!

Game night arrived. I entered us at Skill Level 2.5. (Google said that was an appropriate level for dummies who sign up for leagues and don’t know what they are doing.) Then we made our way to our assigned court to meet our opponent.

And guess what? They were newbies too!

See, I knew it would be fine!

My wife and I played two matches that night. And another ten over the next five weeks. There was a lot to learn, and we weren’t in the best shape. But we had a blast!

So if you have never played but want to, here are a few things I learned.

  1. Pickleball people are friendly. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Everyone was willing to help each other get better and teach each other things they didn’t…



Holly Siron

I write novels/articles about life. Always in constant pursuit of personal growth--and also a pair of pants that fit right on this changing, middle-aged body.