Radical Kindness In a Radically Unkind World

Why I must learn to be kind, even when it is hard

Jenny Wren


Photo by Adam Nemeroff on Unsplash

I want to be kind.

When anger blooms hot and red across my cheeks, I want to be kind.

As I absorb the vitriol of an unhappy world filled with divisive politics, hate mongering, and fear, I want to be kind.

Even when you and I stand upon opposite sides of the line on which we stake our values, I want to be kind.

I must be kind, for I have come to believe it is the only way forward to a future we can all live with and live within.

Kindness is unity

You and I, we are kinfolk.

Countless millennia ago we were one cell within the universe. Then we divided and became siblings — forever united. We can all trace our roots back to that lonesome cell in the primordial soup. We were forged in the same furnace of the stars and spat out onto the same blue marble.

To hate each other is to hate ourselves. I cannot control your hate, but I can control my own.

When you push me down, I will pull myself up and pull you into a hug. When you fall, I will be there to treat your bruises.



Jenny Wren

Botanist. Forager. Homebody, forest rambler, dreamer & creative. Visit me on Ko-fi https://ko-fi.com/wrencollective or at my studio: http://jennywrenstudio.com