Rain, Rain, Please Go Away

Rainy days and weddings and crazy participants.

Lisa A. McCombs


Photo by Gabriel Crismariu on Unsplash

It really shouldn’t matter, should it? Rain on a wedding day?

But it does.

On Saturday, my niece is getting married. Outside. With the forecast of rain.

This, the biggest day of her life thus far, threatens to be a washout. Fortunately, the ceremony venue is only steps away from the covered banquet hall reserved for the reception.

She (the bride) took extra precautions for her gimpy family members by placing us closest to the reception entrance. Between me with my rollator, my elderly parents with mobility issues, and my brother pampering his recent knee replacement, the handicap section looks like the perfect place to be.

Yes, that sounds selfish.

But, it’s important to make lemonade whenever necessary. I sincerely hope the wedding party stays dry, though.

They have enough drama involved already. The bride’s stepmother doesn’t want the birth mother there. The birth mother doesn’t want the stepmother there. The birth mother’s family is not invited. The stepmother doesn’t care for any of us, her inlaws. The bride only tolerates her father’s new wife in order to keep the peace. The bride’s younger sister wants nothing to do with…

